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On Sunday 23rd of February 2014, yoga teachers around the world will donate their time and space to a 2hr yoga session which is devoted to human rights. The class is held from 11AM - 1PM sharp, local time in each time zone, which will lead to a 24 hour yoga marathon around the world. Devoting our thoughts and energy globally to the human rights issue will generate a powerful impact. Students attending the event will donate whatever tuition they can afford. As a former employee of Oxfam of course Yoga Praktijk Bliss&Balance wants to support this Project: Crisis in Syria: Help Oxfam to save lives! http://www.worldyogaday.net/cms/content/project-2014 See Praktijk Bliss&Balance's participation on: http://www.worldyogaday.net/cms/content/yoga-praktijk-blissbalance Come & Join us in Bliss! Je kunt ook via Oxfam Novib altijd je steun geven: "Grote zorgen om de nog alsmaar groeiende humanitaire ramp en over de slechte toegang tot groepen slachtoffers". Zie ook: http://www.oxfamnovib.nl/Giro555-geld-Syrie-op.html#sthash.8tSxQmLG.dpufhttp://www.oxfamnovib.nl/Giro555-geld-Syrie-op.html |
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Mei 2023